Make enjoyment of nature to a present of every opportunity

It doesn´t matter if you want to please your sweethearts by an appreciativly stay at our hotel, by a refreshing wellness / beauty practice or Selfness-Package – Our coupons contain specialities for special people.

In case of questions please feel free to give us a call  + 049 7083 / 927-0

or ask through our contact form

Our Souvenir Shop Lädle La Vie

Our guests repeatedly ask us about our particular Black Forest specialties and the typical Black Forest handcrafts and natural products. Now there is something for everyone to take home in the SCHWARZWALD PANORAMA.

Directly in the hotel lobby – to the left of the entrance – you will find our shop La Vie. Culinary-traditional original and gift ideas can be found here as can original new interpretations.

From the cuckoo clock above the fruit brandy, the raspberry or cherry brandy to the Black Forest air in cans, Black Forest squeaky ducks or a Black Forest Whiskey, Black Forest Gin and other products from old and new Black Forest manufacture. It’s worth it to take a look!

Hotel . Campus . Selfness

Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb

Phone +49 7083 927-0

Charging stations for
electric vehicles

8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II

Organically produced food

Tested by Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-006

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Hotel . Campus . Selfness

Rehteichweg 22
76332 Bad Herrenalb

Phone +49 7083 927-0

Charging stations for
electric vehicles

8x Wirelane type II | 1x Porsche type II

Organically produced food

Tested by Öko-Kontrollstelle DE-ÖKO-006

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